Spring Cleaning Tips

It may be a little early to get excited about spring, but it’s never a bad time to get on with your spring cleaning. We’ve prepared a bunch of quick and easy tips to help you in that endeavour.


Start at the Door


If you have the energy and are in the right mood, we would actually recommend working on your exterior before you start deep cleaning your home. But if you are not too bothered about it or it’s just not the time yet, we’d urge you to take care of your doormat at least. In fact, it’s always useful to have two - one outside and one inside. Use the vacuum to clean them from both sides.




Next stop are the windows. They would certainly need some refreshing after the cold rainy autumn and winter months. Make sure you are not cleaning the windows under direct sunlight. That might be a reason for streaks later.


Let’s Go In


We are now moving indoors. Start by organising common areas - the hallway, the living room, the bathroom. Take out all unnecessary items, old clothes, shoes and put the things you use in well-organised drawers, cupboards or areas.


The Kitchen


There is a lot to be done in the kitchen during your spring cleaning spree. Start by defrosting and cleaning the fridge. Move on to the oven, microwave and the inside of the cupboards. Rearrange the pantry. Once you’ve done most of the hard and time-consuming work, you can focus on lighter tasks like cleaning and disinfecting the sink, the countertops and the outside of the cupboards.


The Bathroom


We already briefly mentioned the bathroom but now we go back for a lot more thorough work. That will include removing the grout, any mould and limescale. You want to check the shower drain and make sure it isn’t blocked. Move on to cleaning and disinfecting the toilet, the sink and vanity. Bathroom deep cleaning could take anything between 2 and 4 hours!


The Bedding


Your mattress, pillows and duvet need some TLC from time to time. Spring cleaning is the perfect occasion. The pillows and duvet (in most cases) could be washed in the washing machine. However, to keep them in top shape, throw in two tennis balls. This will not allow the pillows and duvet to get squashed and disformed. When it comes to the mattress, you need to vacuum it, then spray with disinfectant and vacuum again. Another option is to run the iron on the mattress to kill any dust mites or germs.


The Appliances


The machines that help you clean need to be cleaned as well. This includes the dishwasher, the washing machine, the dryer and the vacuum cleaner. Always read the manufacturer instructions because any improper handling of those appliances may result in a permanent fault.


To Busy for All That


If your day is way too stressful already without the added pressure of deep cleaning, you don’t have to do it yourself. Clean and sanitised home is absolutely essential, though. Especially in times of a global pandemic. That’s why we are here. Our team is specifically trained and well experienced in providing deep cleaning services, following all safety rules and regulations. You can book a visit in just one phone call or by emailing us on hristina@bredonhillcleaningservices.co.uk.