5 Ways to Help the Environment and Keep Your Home Clean

5 Ways to Help the Environment and Keep Your Home Clean

We live in times when our planet needs our collective efforts to sustain it and ensure its future. One of the biggest polluters of the environment is the cleaning industry. However, nowadays there are many solutions that are completely eco-friendly and equally effective as their chemical variants. In today’s blog we want to show you 5 ways to help the environment and keep your home clean at the same time.


The obvious first step towards making a positive change to our environment is learning to recycle correctly and adopting this as our lifestyle. Minimise the use of plastics where possible. For example, cling film could be swapped for wax melted reusable sheets/napkins. They keep your food fresh and protected and last for up to a year.

For the items you can’t find an organic alternative, make sure you have designated bins, where you collect them separately. Colour-coding system is a great idea for recycling beginners and can get the kids excited about it too.

Recycling will help your home look better and neater. Ultimately, you will have less “stuff” lying around and get into the habit of keeping things organised.

Green Cleaning Products

Most of the cleaning products sold in shops are full of chemicals, which destroy our planet. Professional cleaners, however, have access to green cleaning solutions that work just as well as those strong and dangerous products. When you book a cleaner, you can ask for their eco-friendly options and choose your home to be treated with green solutions. At Bredon Hill Cleaning Services we have been proudly offering our clients natural and green products for several years now.

Steam Cleaning

Have you ever had your home or an area of it steam cleaned? If not, you are missing out on so much! Steam cleaning is 100% natural and completely environmentally friendly. What’s more, it is one of the best ways to disinfect a variety of surfaces. It is great for eliminating most common allergens and improves significantly the quality of the air you breathe.

Depending on the equipment used, steam cleaning can be performed without leaving any dampness and no waiting time is required after the treatment. Even on carpets!

Ironing Your Clothes

Just like cleaning products the majority of laundry detergents include strong chemicals that have a negative impact on the environment. Quite frankly, they are not good for your health either. Stubborn stains can be treated with green alternatives. As for eliminating germs and bacteria from fabrics, the best and most environmentally friendly way remains ironing. Just like steam cleaning, extremely high temperature kills a variety of allergens and harmful microorganisms. As an added bonus you look and feel extra crisp and classy.

Give Away What You Don’t Need

Decluttering is a big part of keeping your home clean and organised. Giving your old (but still good looking) clothes and furniture is a great way to make more space at your place and at the same time help the environment. Recycling of clothes and large pieces of furniture is a big issue environmentalists have warned us about. And there’s always the saying, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. So, by giving away your items you kill three birds with one stone. You do good to yourself, to people in your community and to our common home - the Earth.