house cleaning during vacation

Should I Have My Home Cleaned while on Holiday

Have you planned your summer holiday yet? Whether you are travelling abroad or just to another part of the UK, chances are you don’t want to spend the whole summer at home. Very often, when going away for a while, regular domestic cleaning clients wonder if they should keep their appointments. That’s a personal choice above everything else, but there are some benefits you may want to consider before you cancel your cleaning visit.


Maintenance is Key


People believe they only need to clean a home when there are people living in it because of the mess they create. Sure, it’s much messier when adults and children carry out their daily activities at home. Dirt, however, accumulates all the time, with or without your presence in the property. Dust particles, allergens and a variety of microorganisms continue to inhabit and spread in your home even if you are not there. Regular cleaning during your holiday is still very important for the maintenance of a healthy home.


Cost-Efficient in the Long Run


Many clients who choose to cancel their regular appointments while away, then find themselves in need of a deep clean. The longer your property goes without cleaning, the more there is to do once the cleaner is back. Deep cleaning takes a longer time and is also more expensive than regular visits. So, if you just keep your regular cleans while on holiday you can save money.


Come Back to a Welcoming Environment


Hopefully you had an amazing time during your trip. You are now relaxed and positively charged. Imagine how your mood would spoil if you came back to a home that doesn’t look its best. You will feel the difference in the quality of air. Some surfaces would have accumulated dust and generally the energy you feel wouldn’t be as welcoming as you would wish.


Alternatively, if your cleaner kept coming to the property while you were away, they would make sure the environment looks and feels cosy. At Bredon Hill Cleaning Services we pay great attention to the smallest details. What our clients love the most about our service is that we always add a little extra to make them feel special.




Some people are uncomfortable letting cleaners in while they are far away from home. However, if you have a regular cleaner they almost become a part of the family. Therefore, it is someone you can trust to keep an eye on your home while you are gone. Domestic accidents happen when the residents are not in and if you can rely on someone to check the property even just once a week, that’s still a major security plus.


What is your opinion on having cleaners in while you are on holiday? Let us know what feels right for you. Also, if you are one of our regular clients and decide not to keep your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can update our schedule and give your slot to someone else.

Housekeeping services

Holiday Lets Allowed to Reopen in April

Holiday Lets Allowed to Reopen in April




We are absolutely thrilled to see holiday lets and serviced apartments reopening for visitors in the middle of April. Our company specialises in housekeeping for short let properties and this is one of the services we enjoy the most.



How to Get Your Short Let COVID-safe


As with all other industries, the hospitality industry has to comply with a new set of rules in order to provide safety and security to their visitors. That’s exactly why you need a reliable partner to help you on the journey. The property must be thoroughly cleaned and then disinfected with the appropriate virucidal solutions. There must be sanitisers available, as well as other products needed for personal hygiene. From an organisational point of view, you need to make sure there is enough time between separate bookings to allow for deep cleaning and disinfection before the new visitors arrive.


Who Can Help You Get Your Property Ready


Every successful holiday let owner needs a reputable cleaning partner. It is the impeccable cleanliness of the property that brings glowing reviews and more visitors. Bredon Hill Cleaning Services have been working with a large number of serviced apartments and holiday accommodation in the Tewksbury area for over 10 years. We understand the process and brought our housekeeping team to an expert level. In the past one year, we took many professional courses and underwent extensive training. We can proudly say we are fully prepared to help you make your short let property COVID-safe.


Our professional recommendation is to always work with a cleaning company as opposed to a freelance cleaner. This is not to spite our colleagues who have chosen to work independently. However, there are many reasons why housekeeping for holiday lets is better managed by a cleaning company rather than an individual cleaner.


  • Flexible service - We can cover the hours you want us to because we can find a cleaner, who is available.
  • Reliable service - We won’t cancel a booking if a cleaner is sick or unable to come to work. We will simply send a replacement.
  • Secure service - We are fully trained and insured. All our cleaners are DSB checked and covered by the company’s insurance policy. You don’t have to worry about any damages or losses that may have occurred as a result of our service.


How Often Do You Need to Have the Property Cleaned


For shorter stays (up to 3 days) the minimum requirement is deep cleaning between bookings. You cannot let new visitors check in before a thorough cleaning and disinfection have been completed. For longer staying guests you may consider daily or twice a week cleaning and change of bed linen and towels. Toiletry supply replenishment may be done weekly.


If you are looking to start getting new bookings for your holiday lets, we strongly recommend organising a deep cleaning first and making arrangements for continuous housekeeping. This way you will rest assured your guests will enjoy a pleasant and safe stay, which ultimately reflects positively on your business.


Mother's day cleaning voucher

Celebrating Mothers with Bredon Hill Cleaning Services

Celebrating Mothers with Bredon Hill Cleaning Services

Mother’s Day is fast approaching and we want to share with you some of our offers that can help you make that special woman in your life really happy.


Pamper your Mom


Mothers do so much for us and if we can make them feel super special and appreciated at least for one day a year, we should certainly do it. Since we are not yet allowed to meet in person at home, give mom a sweet morning call telling her how much you love her. Have flowers delivered to her house and maybe a small (or big) sentimental gift. But let that not be the only present you’ve prepared for her.


Is a Cleaning Voucher a Good Idea?


On any other occasion you would probably send mom to the salon or the massage studio. Unfortunately, this Mother’s Day it won't be possible. But you can still help that beautiful lady relax at the comfort of her own home. Many women are often burdened with excessive housework that they don’t always have the time or the energy to do. This year, Bredon Hill Cleaning Services is offering discount vouchers for domestic cleaning and other cleaning services especially for Mother’s Day. Your mom will be able to enjoy a pleasant, stress-free day in a squeaky clean house.


Go a Step Further


Easter falls just 3 weeks after Mother’s Day and the good news is, we will be allowed to meet family and friends in small groups in private gardens. If you are planning to visit mom you know she will be making her very special roast. Return the gesture in advance. Give mom a sparkling clean oven. It is an extra service that can be booked separately or together with your spring cleaning, which is right in season.


Thinking about deep cleaning your own house in time for spring celebrations? We are here to help! Give us a call today and ask about our current offers and promotional discounts.


Have a look at our services on the website. You may find more than what you expected. And if you have a friend who needs something we can offer, please refer them to us. This way you will be supporting local business and we will be able to continue bringing positive change in our community’s living and working environment.


Happy Mother’s Day and a Fabulous Easter!

holiday cleaning checklist

Pre-Christmas Cleaning Checklist

Pre-Christmas Cleaning Checklist


The great news is that despite all the uncertainty in 2020, we will be able to visit and spend Christmas with our families and friends. That’s absolutely fantastic. But also, since you might be hosting a mini (or not so mini) party at your home, deep cleaning before the holidays is back on the table. To make it easier for all of you who want to brace it themselves, we put together a Pre-Christmas Cleaning Checklist.



The Exterior


Ugh! That’s tough, cold and unpleasant. Yes, we know, but you must make sure the facade and the exterior of your home also look presentable. After all, that's the very first thing your guests will see when they arrive. Furthermore, a good clean is essential before you put up all the outdoor decorations and Christmas lights. To be entirely honest, that's probably a job that should always be left to the professionals. There are cleaning companies who specialise in exterior cleaning and they would do a brilliant job.


The Hall


Moving on to the next spot of your guests’ journey in your home - the hall. It’s very important for that place to be well organised, clean and tidy. It is worth setting up a system mirroring that of a cloakroom. Shoes, bags and coats must have designated spaces to go to. Not only to avoid mixing up, but also to minimise the risk of contamination with bacteria and viruses brought from outside.


The Bathroom


The bathroom must be squeaky clean and sanitised before the arrival of your guests. Use antibacterial and virucidal cleaning products prior to the party. Don’t forget you have to do the exact same thing after your visitors leave too.


We also recommend leaving a scented candle or an air freshener in the bathroom to give it a more homely and nice feeling.


The Guest Bedrooms


If your guests are staying over you must get their room in the right inviting and relaxing condition. A deep clean is a good idea, especially if the room is not used most of the time. Wash the pillows and duvets, put fresh linen on, make sure there’s no dust built up on the furniture and ventilate well to allow free flow of fresh air.


Finishing touches like a bouquet of flowers, candles or natural air fresheners with essential oils always go a long way. They could make your guests feel really special and welcome.


The Kitchen


You absolutely cannot skip the kitchen. That’s actually a top priority on your pre-Christmas cleaning checklist whether you are expecting any guests or not. Christmas is traditionally associated with a lot of cooking and none of those meals will taste delicious if they are cooked in a dirty oven or messy stoves. Not to mention the health risks of letting your kitchen go without a deep clean before the holidays.


The Living Room


We know the living room will be the place where the most action happens during the festivities. But we purposely left it last on the checklist because you will be cleaning up until the last minute before your guests arrive. First and most important thing is to create space. So, if you are naturally someone who is prone to cluttering, that has to change now. The more unnecessary stuff you have lying around in your living room, the less space you get to actually have fun with your family and friends.


All this may sound a little overwhelming, especially in such a short period of time. But hey, that’s exactly why we are here! Give us a call and we will do our best to come straight to the rescue!


how to clean an oven

Great Oven Cleaning Tips Before the Holidays

You can almost smell the holiday season coming with all the favourite meals we enjoy every year. But how would you make that famous roasted turkey with cranberry sauce if your oven is not working properly? Did you know that one of the most common reasons for oven faults is irregular cleaning? Leaving grease and burnt-ons in the oven for too long can cause many problems. Besides, who would like to eat a cake that’s been baked in a dirty oven? Ugh!

Putting your oven in a spotless condition can be a real challenge, but luckily you are reading the right blog! We have some great oven cleaning tips to use before the holidays!

Oven Racks Come [Off] First

As with every other project, when cleaning you have to have a good strategy and follow an effective methodology. First thing you should do is remove the oven racks and place them in a basin or bucket with a cleaning solution, which dissolves grease and burnt-on. If you want to use natural cleaning materials, mix baking soda, vinegar and some water. Let them soak for half an hour. Another way to get the nasties off the racks is spraying them with an oven cleaner and placing them in a sealable plastic bag for about 30 minutes. After that time, just take the racks out and gently scrub with a sponge. They will be as shiny as new!

Time to Spray

While the racks are soaking or in the sealable bag, you can use an oven cleaner to spray the oven from the inside. Alternatively, mix baking soda with vinegar to create a paste and apply to the dirtiest areas in the oven. Let it sit for about 15 minutes and then use an old toothbrush to scrub the hard to get places and any stubborn stains. After the development time it should be pretty easy to remove any grease with a sponge or cotton cloth, dampened in warm water.

Clean the Oven Glass

A glass scraper would be extremely useful to clean your oven glass. Alternatively, you can use some baking soda and dishwashing liquid. Apply to the glass and scrub with a toothbrush. If you are lucky enough to own an oven with a removable glass, unscrew it and soak it oven cleaner and warm water solution for half an hour. Then wipe with a clean cotton cloth and screw back on.

Get Rid of the Bad Smells

Cooked fish recently? Well, you better get rid of that smell before you put the cupcakes to bake in the oven! Good news is, there’s a very easy way to do that. Fill a baking pan with water and add a few drops of essential oil of your choice. If you don’t have any oils, a few slices of lemon will do just fine. Then turn the oven on low temperature and let the solution stay inside for up to 2 hours. In the end, you should have a freshly scented oven and if there were any grease stains left, they should be dissolved by the steaming water.

Don’t have the time to go through all that? No worries, we do! Book your oven cleaning appointment with us and get your baking recipes ready!

Keep your home clean during holidays

How to Keep your Home Clean while on Holiday

It's the season of holidays! You are probably going somewhere really nice. Gorgeous hotel, clean rooms, impeccable dining facilities, no housework stress at all. Now imagine coming home to the absolute opposite. Oh, that would be a disaster! Instead of spoiling with your holiday right after you cross your doorstep, make sure you leave your home clean and tidy before you go. And to make it easier for you, we have some easy-to-follow tips on how to keep your home clean while on holiday.

Kitchen and Dining Area

The kitchen and dining area need a lot of your attention before you go on holiday. Run a quick hoover or sweep the floor, especially around coffee tables and other places you eat to remove any crumbs and food residues. It's really important because otherwise you risk infesting your place with ants or other insects. Additionally, you can use a spray to prevent bug infestation. Check all the food you are leaving in the fridge. If it goes out of date within the next few days, throw it away. Make sure all of your appliances are also clean and in good order. You don't want bacteria to grow on the inside. All this should take you about half an hour.

Bathroom and toilet area

The bathroom will be one of the first places you are going to use after you come back, so you should really clean it up before you go. Use a cleaning product for limescale removal and prevention on all tiles, bathtub or shower cabin. After drying, polish the area with glass polish liquid to stay shiny. Disinfect the toilet and mop the floor. Put a small green plant in the bathroom to make it look more welcoming and add positive vibrations to your environment.

Living room

The living room should be fairly easy to keep clean while on holiday. Dust the skirting boards and wipe most hard furniture. Keep the cushions inside the sofa drawers if possible to prevent discoloration and dust. Close the curtains or shut the blinds. Finally, run the vacuum cleaner.


Start by opening the windows to allow fresh air into the rooms. Then vacuum and dust the hard surfaces. You can use anti-dust products to prevent dust coming in while you are on holiday.  Light an organic candle while you are still in or leave aromatic sticks before you go. Don't forget to close all windows well after you finish.

Plants & Pets

Plants and pets can be tricky, because they don't always come with you on holiday. If you are just looking after plants, you can leave a spare key to a friend or neighbour to water them while you are gone. If you are not going to be away for too long, watering them before you go should be sufficient. Keep them away from direct sunlight.  If you have pets, you should really arrange for someone to come in every day to check on them and feed them. Alternatively, take your pet to a friend's house or to a pet's hotel.

A few more tips... just before you leave to enjoy yourself, make sure all appliances are unplugged. You can also switch off the sockets to save on your electricity bill. Switch off the boiler too. You can never be too careful, especially if you are going to be away for longer. Put your favourite mugs and things you use often in cupboards to avoid dust build up and having to wash them upon your return.

Have a great summer and an amazing holiday!

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TAGS: Ironing, Housekeeping for service apartments, Holiday homes , Domestic Cleaning, End of Tenancy Cleaning, Office Cleaning,Pub and, Restaurant Cleaning, After Builders Cleaning, Spring/Deep Cleaning, End Of Tenancy Cleaning Bredon Hill, End of Tenancy Cleaning Headington, End of Tenancy Cleaning Bredon Hillshire, Steam cleaning Bredon Hill, Steam Cleaning Headington, Steam Cleaning Bredon Hillshire, After Builders Cleaning Bredon Hill, Patio and Driveway Cleaning Bredon Hill, Commercial cleaning Bredon Hill, Holiday let cleaning Bredon Hill, Professional Cleaning Bredon Hill, Cleaning Services Bredon Hill, Housekeeping for serviced apartments, Office Cleaning, Pub Cleaning, Bredon Hill, Stadhampton, Bredon Hill cleaning apartments, Bredon Hill Pub Cleaning, professional cleaning Bredon Hill,Conderton Cleaning,Kemerton Cleaning,Westmancote Cleaning,Grafton Cleaning,Bredon's Norton Cleaning,Dumbleton Cleaning,Eckington Cleaning,Bricklehampton,Evesham Cleaning,Alderton Cleaning,Worcester Cleaning,Bredon Hill Cleaning,Little Comberton Cleaning,Bricklehampton Cleaning,Kersoe Cleaning,Ashton under Hill Cleaning,Hinton on the Green Cleaning,Dumbleton Cleaning,Aston Somerville Cleaning,Childswickham Cleaning,Bushley Green Cleaning,Bushley Cleaning,Shuthonger Cleaning,Eckington Cleaning,Bredon's Norton Cleaning,Kemerton Cleaning,OverburyConderton Cleaning,Beckford Cleaning,Alstone Cleaning,Alderton Cleaning,Bredon's Cleaning,HardwickBredon Cleaning,KinshamWalton CardiffAshchurch Cleaning,Aston Cross Cleaning,Pamington Cleaning,Teddington Cleaning
