Why You Shouldn’t Cancel Your Cleaning Service During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Reliable Cleaning Companies Care About Your Wellbeing and Train Their Staff

It’s only natural that you feel no one should come into your home while you are self-isolating. Whether for fear of not getting the virus or passing it to another person. But reliable cleaning companies understand the importance of maintaining your home environment clean and sanitised at all times and they provide their staff with the relevant training. For example, we at Bredon Hill Cleaning Services attended special biohazard cleaning courses and are now certified to clean and disinfect crime scenes, hospitals and other premises where biological fluids and waste are handled.

We comply strictly with the government requirements for safe provision of our services amid the global pandemic of COVID-19. We make sure we only send cleaners who are 100% healthy to our clients’ homes. All staff members wear protective gear, face masks, glasses and disposable gloves at all times when performing a service. We do not allow the cross use of cloths and mop heads in different clients’ properties.

Your Cleaner Also Needs to Make a Living

Many of the women who work in the cleaning industry either as employed or self-employed are single parents. Their cleaning job is their only source of income. Companies like ours can afford to lose a few bookings and keep above the ground for a certain period of time. But if we keep losing clients, we will also be unable to pay our hard-working, experienced and honest staff.

Yet, for those who work as self-employed cleaner the situation looks a lot more grim. They only get paid when they work and when clients cancel they are left with bills to pay and children to feed with no income and very little support or protection from the government.

We are going through particularly hard times as a nation and perhaps as humankind. But if we all take care of each other, we will soon get out of this stronger than before.

By letting us continue providing a cleaning service to you, you are letting us keep taking care of your health and wellbeing. It’s the kind of win-win situation we should all be looking for!