Ironing Tips and Tricks

Ironing your clothes is really beneficial for your health and for your appearance. But it isn’t an easy task and often takes a lot of time. As professional ironing service providers we have some tips and tricks to share with you and make this chore easier and less time-consuming.

Put a Smaller Load in the Washing Machine

To save yourself the time and effort of much ironing start preparing from the laundry point. Instead of running the washing machine on full capacity, put a smaller load in it. This will prevent the clothes from getting lots of wrinkles and it will be easier to iron them later.

Add a Fabric Conditioner

Fabric conditioners soften the clothes and prevent some deep wrinkles. It’s not a full on solution, but it could help. Be careful what conditioner you use, because the increased use of some has been linked to allergies and long term diseases.

Use a Tumble Dryer

If you have a tumble dryer you are already one step ahead of those who don’t. Some dryers have programmes, which help smoothen out some of the smaller wrinkles on you clothes and minimise your ironing afterwards. In addition, you should hand the clothes immediately you take them after the dryer even if they are not fully dry. That would help the wrinkles straighten even more.

Organise Your Clothes Before Ironing

The iron temperature increases gradually. Separate and organise your clothes before ironing. Start from the delicate and less wrinkled clothes and move on to the thicker fabrics with more wrinkles. By the time you get to the most wrinkled clothes the iron would have reached higher temperature and would be easier and quicker.

Don’t Iron in Circles

Not many people know this, but you should never iron in circles. That motion can scratch the surface of your clothes and ruin their fit. Instead, use long strokes in one direction to avoid stretching the fabric.

Use the Steam

Using steam for ironing is really good. It makes the process easier and it is also beneficial for your health. Steam ironing removes bad smells and helps people with respiratory conditions and allergies. Germs are 100% killed!

Your Ironing Board Matters

Get a comfortable ironing board. It’s just as important as a good quality iron. If it’s not the right height or it doesn’t provide enough support, you will get tired easier and ironing will become a much less pleasant chore to do.

If ironing is something you really don’t enjoy or have no time whatsoever to do, then we can help! Bredon Hill Cleaning Services offers professional laundry and ironing with collection and delivery door to door. It’s easy, reliable and done to the best of standards. Call us today to arrange a pick-up.