Bathroom Cleaning and Organisation Tips

How is your bathroom looking recently? The truth is, many families find it hard to maintain bathrooms in a clean, organised and healthy condition. While cleaning and disinfection are absolutely essential, good organisation is also crucial. Here are some tips on how you can transform and fully enjoy your bathroom this summer.


Decluttering Comes First


Clutter in the bathroom is a potential health risk. The more empty bottles and unnecessary items you keep there, the more chances bacteria and mould have to inhabit the place and spread. Make sure you dispose of any product packaging that is no longer in use. It is important to have as much empty space as possible. It makes cleaning easier and sanitisation more effective.


Utilise Vertical Space


Do not put any personal hygiene products on the floor of the shower cabin or on the side of the bath. Utilise any vertical space you have in the bathroom instead. There are hundreds of options for item organisation in any big supermarket chain or home and furniture shops. Whether it is something you mount on the wall or simply hang on the shower cabin door, it will make a major positive difference.


Keep facial products and scrubs in the vanity cabinet. This will minimise the humidity that gets to these items and preserve their quality for longer.


Take 5 Minutes After Each Shower


Here’s a tip for the lazy cleaners. Bathrooms usually require a lot of scrubbing to look good. But if you take 5 minutes after each shower to quickly spray and wipe the glass and the cabin/bath, you can minimise the heavy scrubbing during a regular bathroom clean. There are limescale and hard water sprays you can use effortlessly. They are usually widely available in most supermarkets.


Weekly Cleans are Essential


The bathroom is one of those places that requires regular care. It needs cleaning at least once a week. If you let it go for longer, the workload doubles and sometimes triples. Not to mention the huge health risk you are taking for you and your family. There are thousands of germs that inhabit your bathroom every single day and consistent disinfection is more than necessary.


Less is Always More


Adopting a minimalist approach when it comes to your bathroom is always best. Don’t stack the shelves. Don’t add more towels than you need. Keep it all tidy. The less stuff you can see when you enter the bathroom, the more relaxing your experience will be while you are there. Diffusers with essential oils, a crystal or a couple of scented candles are a great addition to the decor. Just make sure you are not overdoing it.



How do you organise your bathroom? Do you prefer to have many products within your reach while showering? Or, perhaps, you enjoy that feeling of minimalistic and natural environment without too much clutter?