bathroom tips and tricks

Bathroom Cleaning and Organisation Tips

How is your bathroom looking recently? The truth is, many families find it hard to maintain bathrooms in a clean, organised and healthy condition. While cleaning and disinfection are absolutely essential, good organisation is also crucial. Here are some tips on how you can transform and fully enjoy your bathroom this summer.


Decluttering Comes First


Clutter in the bathroom is a potential health risk. The more empty bottles and unnecessary items you keep there, the more chances bacteria and mould have to inhabit the place and spread. Make sure you dispose of any product packaging that is no longer in use. It is important to have as much empty space as possible. It makes cleaning easier and sanitisation more effective.


Utilise Vertical Space


Do not put any personal hygiene products on the floor of the shower cabin or on the side of the bath. Utilise any vertical space you have in the bathroom instead. There are hundreds of options for item organisation in any big supermarket chain or home and furniture shops. Whether it is something you mount on the wall or simply hang on the shower cabin door, it will make a major positive difference.


Keep facial products and scrubs in the vanity cabinet. This will minimise the humidity that gets to these items and preserve their quality for longer.


Take 5 Minutes After Each Shower


Here’s a tip for the lazy cleaners. Bathrooms usually require a lot of scrubbing to look good. But if you take 5 minutes after each shower to quickly spray and wipe the glass and the cabin/bath, you can minimise the heavy scrubbing during a regular bathroom clean. There are limescale and hard water sprays you can use effortlessly. They are usually widely available in most supermarkets.


Weekly Cleans are Essential


The bathroom is one of those places that requires regular care. It needs cleaning at least once a week. If you let it go for longer, the workload doubles and sometimes triples. Not to mention the huge health risk you are taking for you and your family. There are thousands of germs that inhabit your bathroom every single day and consistent disinfection is more than necessary.


Less is Always More


Adopting a minimalist approach when it comes to your bathroom is always best. Don’t stack the shelves. Don’t add more towels than you need. Keep it all tidy. The less stuff you can see when you enter the bathroom, the more relaxing your experience will be while you are there. Diffusers with essential oils, a crystal or a couple of scented candles are a great addition to the decor. Just make sure you are not overdoing it.



How do you organise your bathroom? Do you prefer to have many products within your reach while showering? Or, perhaps, you enjoy that feeling of minimalistic and natural environment without too much clutter?

pantry organisation summer

What to Add, Keep and Remove from Your Summer Pantry

Hot temperatures and sunny weather call for a rearrangement of your wardrobe. Well, you probably don’t need a reminder for that. What most people forget is that their pantry also needs some editing once the warmer months arrive. Today we are talking about what you need to add, keep and remove from your pantry in the summer.


What to Remove from Your Pantry


Let’s start with the items we can get rid of for the season. Summer is a good time for detoxing and cutting on some comfort foods you probably enjoy in colder times. That said, leave less space for pasta, highly processed snacks and cereals. You can also get rid of some teas that are associated with winter. If you normally keep your eggs in the pantry, now is a good time to take them out and store them in the fridge. This will help you avoid nasty infections and serious stomach problems.


While you are removing stuff from the pantry don’t forget to clean up. There might be some spills or crumbles on the shelves. You won’t find a better time to wipe and disinfect this space. If you use labels on containers, replace those that are worn out with new ones.


What to Keep in your Pantry in Summer


Obviously, all your condiments can stay right where they are. Salads are very popular during summer, as well as seafood dishes. Your pantry is a good place to store some salad dressings, cooking sauces and canned fish. Check the best before date on all items. Those that expire sooner bring forward. If something is already gone, just toss it in the bin. It will create space for the new things you need to add.


What to Add to Your Pantry in Summer


Remember we said it’s a good time to get rid of foods with high carb contents? Well, if you chucked your pasta out, you can add quinoa. It is a fantastic ingredient for a variety of salads and light meals. Brown substitutes are also a good idea - brown sugar, brown rice, brown pasta. Detox tea can make a new appearance in your panty, along with some cold brews. Tinned coconut milk is an invaluable addition to any summer fruit smoothie.


Since it is also the season of garden parties, you may want to get a few more bottles of your favourite spirits or cocktail mixers. They can be safely stored in the pantry.


Last but not least, if you like growing or collecting herbs from fields and green areas, create some space in your pantry to keep and dry your natural health gems. Towards the end of summer you can put them in jars or paper bags and prepare for autumn and winter when hot herbal tea is almost a daily essential.



What do you currently have in your pantry? How do you organise the items? If you need help with bringing some structure to your storage space, give us a call. We are specialists in home organisation.

oven cleaning tips and tricks

8 Oven Cleaning Hacks You Wish You Knew Earlier

Oven cleaning is often found to be more difficult than cleaning other kitchen or home appliances for the particularly stubborn grease and food stains uniquely found in an oven.

However, oven cleaning doesn’t have to be such a stress; it’s all about learning combinations that can tackle those stubborn stains. That is exactly what we would like to teach you in this article.

1. Before you start the actual cleaning hack

First and foremost, before using any chemicals or home solutions to clean your oven, you should use a paper towel or old cloth to wipe away already loose and solid bits of dirt. You can use a dustpan to collect the bits and then toss them into the bin. This way you allow the cleaning product to have its full effect on stubborn stains you cannot scrub off.

2. Home made solution hack

The most often mentioned oven cleaning hack is to combine vinegar and baking soda until they form a paste. Rub that on greasy oven stains and scrub. This solution should involve much less scrubbing in comparison to using some supermarket cleaning products.

3. Dishwasher tablets hack

Whilst associated with dish washing and not oven cleaning, dishwasher tablets can dissolve burnt-on grease and smaller pieces of food from your oven. Soak half a dishwasher tablet of any brand in warm water and rub it on the stuck-on food or grease. Leave for at least a minute before wiping away with a clean wet towel the paste. With any luck, burnt-on grease and smaller pieces of food.

4. Oven rack cleaning hack

Similarly to the above oven cleaning hack, you can separate and soak your oven racks in a hot bath with added washing powder. This makes it easier to wipe away dirt afterwards. You could try putting them inside your dishwasher for further ease and to take up less vital space.

5. Ammonia cleaning hack

A particularly low-effort oven cleaning hack is to fill a bowl with half a cup of ammonia,

leave it in your (turned-off) oven overnight and wipe away the loosened grime the morning


6. Common household goods hack

Another great and practically effortless cleaning hack that uses common household ingredients is filling a bowl with water and adding two lemons cut in half. Leave that in your turned-on oven set to about 200 degrees for an hour. Similarly, you should be able to wipe away loosened grime while your oven is still warm (although cool enough to touch) with the added bonus of a pleasant lemony scent.

7. Illogical cleaning hack

This may sound counterproductive, but it is actually an oven cleaning hack that surprisingly works! Put some vegetable oil on a paper towel to wipe down greasy stove tops spattered with oil. Weird... but it does the job!

8. Universal cleaning hack

A cleaning hack, not exclusively applicable to oven cleaning, is using a toothbrush dipped in cleaning product to scrub stains instead of using a different scrubbing tool. The toothbrush has softer bristles, which are much less likely to create scratches or damage to your oven (or other home appliances) when used. Toothbrushes are inherently small and long-handled so, also effective in getting to those hard-to-reach spots.

Learnt something new today? Why don't you follow us on social media for more clever tips and tricks for your home cleaning and organisation. Need a helping hand?  We are always here for you.

home organisation tips

Why Regular Domestic Cleaning is Important

Many people overlook the state of their home and place household duties last on the list. It’s understandable that in today’s world everyone is busy and there’s rarely time for cleaning every other day or even every week. Nonetheless, the average person spends 87% of their time indoors and that’s why regular domestic cleaning is really important. In this article we will outline some of the benefits you get when you have your house cleaned frequently.

Sharp Focus

Research has shown that being in a clean and tidy environment helps you concentrate and boosts your productivity. Most busy professionals and CEOs have desks with zero clutter on to allow their mind to focus on the tasks at hand. They also prefer minimalist home interior design, which helps them destress. If you aren’t feeling much productive when you work from home, perhaps your place needs to be cleaned more often.

Staying Organised

Regular domestic cleaning helps you stay organised at home. Decluttering and tidying up is a problem almost every mom with little children faces. Creating a cleaning schedule may be the answer.If you don’t have the energy or time to do it on your own, book a professional cleaner to assist you in keeping your home organised and welcoming.

Better Quality of Sleep

Are you waking up tired every morning? Sometimes it’s not just the quantity of sleep you get. It’s the quality. The harder we breathe, the worse our sleep gets. And if you are sleeping in a room that isn’t regularly cleaned, chances are the air quality is really poor. This, of course, makes breathing more difficult and your sleep less effective. For best bedroom air quality, combine regular domestic cleaning and steam cleaning. The latter ozonates the air and makes it even easier to breathe.

Reducing Allergic Reactions

Different kinds of allergies are extremely common in the UK. Dust allergy is one of them. There’s no better remedy for that than regular domestic cleaning. But that’s not the only allergy, the effects of which can be reduced through cleaning. Some food allergic reactions can also be avoided if home cleaning is made a priority. Remains of nuts or foods containing nuts can easily roll under the sofa or just fall on the floor. A young curious child loves to explore everything that’s on the ground and may ingest the nut or fables of food containing it. Regular domestic cleaning is particularly important for people with hay fever, especially in the warmer months.

Killing Germs

It’s flu season… but even if it wasn’t our homes are usually inhabited by billions of germs. Some of them are harmless, but others can be very dangerous for your health and your loved ones. Regular cleaning is a great natural way for disease prevention. Although it won’t work 100% and you may still get the flu outside, you will know you are doing what’s necessary to protect your home.

Our homes are the one place we should feel most comfortable safe and secure. If the environment isn’t healthy, it’s very likely that we won’t be either. Whether you want to take care of the house chores yourself or you are happy to outsource it, make regular domestic cleaning a priority.

home organisation ideas for the summer

10 Home Organisation Ideas for the Summer

With summer comes sun, heat and longer days to enjoy it, but it also brings the inevitable clutter that has been accumulating itself since this time last year. And before it's time to get back to school, we want to give you 10 home organisation ideas for this summer and many more to come.

1. Put the winter stuff away

First step of summer home organisation is putting winter out of sight and out of mind. That includes all of the coats, boots, gloves and sleds that come with it. Ideally, this means packing them into boxes labelled with the season and putting them in the attic or garage. However, if you don't have that space, the back of a cupboard or wardrobe is just as good a place. Let's not forget summers in the UK are not particularly long, so you might need those items sooner than you expected.

2. Preserve the stored clothes

Here's a useful home organisation idea not only for the summer, but whenever you are in the mood for organising. Use cedar, lavender, and/or chamomile to ward away moths and leave your clothes smelling fresh. No one likes musty sweaters when it's time to pull them out again.

3. Put the summer items in the spotlight

Your next step of summer home organisation would be to pull out the summer equipment. Sunscreen and insect repellent bottles should be moved to the front of the toiletries cupboard. In our opinion, the best place for them is in the bathroom, next to the toothpaste to serve as a daily reminder to put your long-term health first. Soothing gels against mosquito bites and sunburns should also find their way to the forefront of the toiletries this season.

4. The garden needs some organising too

Summer is the season of barbeques and long weekends with friends and family at a house party. Preparing your garden for guests is a valid home organisation for the summer. Start by mowing the lawn and perhaps, invest in sprinklers if the weather forecast doesn't predict much rain in the coming weeks. Pull out and clean the grill and make sure all the clutter is put away. It's always worthwhile checking with your neighbours before you send out invitations for a party.

5. Fridge decluttering

Take advantage of the pleasant weather and its influence on your body. Restock your fridge with lighter foods; get rid of the heavy (and expensive!) cuts of meat that are more suited for the colder months.

6. Do you have enough shade?

Back to the garden organisation ideas - be sure to invest in an outdoor umbrella or garden canopy. Especially if your garden greenery doesn't provide enough shade to.

7. Wardrobe organisation and decluttering

Make use of the longer summer days and take that opportunity to declutter your wardrobe. You know that dress has been sitting there for too long. You won't wear it soon, so why don't you just give it to charity? Perhaps there are clothes that don't fit you anymore or are incredibly out of fashion. All they do in your closet is preventing you from getting new ones. So, do yourself (and others who are less fortunate) a favour - take those old or unused clothes to a charity shop.

8. Have a carboot sale

Well, if you aren't feeling all that kind-hearted, you can always sell your unwanted items in a carboot or a garden sale. It is a great aid to summer home organisation and it could earn you some extra cash to spend on your next holiday.

9. Give your tumble dryer a break

If you don't have allergies to pollen or other things found in nature, use the nice summer weather to help save the planet. Substitute the use of your tumble dryer with a drying rack or clothes line outside. As a bonus you get of a pleasant, fresh scent.

10. It's finally time for renovation

A good home organisation idea for the summer is to plan and execute your home renovations. Order by necessity and check deals with multiple local companies or even DIY it!

Good luck with your summer home organisation and don’t forget to have fun around it! Don’t get too caught up in the chores, after all, it's time for joy and relaxation.

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TAGS: Ironing, Housekeeping for service apartments, Holiday homes , Domestic Cleaning, End of Tenancy Cleaning, Office Cleaning,Pub and, Restaurant Cleaning, After Builders Cleaning, Spring/Deep Cleaning, End Of Tenancy Cleaning Bredon Hill, End of Tenancy Cleaning Headington, End of Tenancy Cleaning Bredon Hillshire, Steam cleaning Bredon Hill, Steam Cleaning Headington, Steam Cleaning Bredon Hillshire, After Builders Cleaning Bredon Hill, Patio and Driveway Cleaning Bredon Hill, Commercial cleaning Bredon Hill, Holiday let cleaning Bredon Hill, Professional Cleaning Bredon Hill, Cleaning Services Bredon Hill, Housekeeping for serviced apartments, Office Cleaning, Pub Cleaning, Bredon Hill, Stadhampton, Bredon Hill cleaning apartments, Bredon Hill Pub Cleaning, professional cleaning Bredon Hill,Conderton Cleaning,Kemerton Cleaning,Westmancote Cleaning,Grafton Cleaning,Bredon's Norton Cleaning,Dumbleton Cleaning,Eckington Cleaning,Bricklehampton,Evesham Cleaning,Alderton Cleaning,Worcester Cleaning,Bredon Hill Cleaning,Little Comberton Cleaning,Bricklehampton Cleaning,Kersoe Cleaning,Ashton under Hill Cleaning,Hinton on the Green Cleaning,Dumbleton Cleaning,Aston Somerville Cleaning,Childswickham Cleaning,Bushley Green Cleaning,Bushley Cleaning,Shuthonger Cleaning,Eckington Cleaning,Bredon's Norton Cleaning,Kemerton Cleaning,OverburyConderton Cleaning,Beckford Cleaning,Alstone Cleaning,Alderton Cleaning,Bredon's Cleaning,HardwickBredon Cleaning,KinshamWalton CardiffAshchurch Cleaning,Aston Cross Cleaning,Pamington Cleaning,Teddington Cleaning
