Autumn Deep Cleaning Checklist

Autumn Deep Cleaning Checklist

Autumn Deep Cleaning Checklist

It’s the golden season, everyone! Picturesque views outdoors, a tempting smell of hot chocolate and cinnamon, and building excitement for the festivities. But more than anything else, now is the best time to arrange a thorough cleaning for your home. The benefits of that are more than you can imagine - from a healthy and safe living environment to stable mental health and general wellbeing. Keen on rolling your sleeves up and getting the job done all by yourself? Great! Here is a comprehensive autumn deep cleaning checklist you’ll certainly need.

The Living Areas

Your living room, reception, dining room and home office are probably the places where you spend the most time during the day. Even though you clean them regularly, with the change of season, an additional, more thorough effort is required. So, follow these steps.

  • Open the windows - allowing fresh air to circulate freely during any type of cleaning is crucial.
  • Dust and wipe the light fixtures and ceiling fans (if you have any). Get rid of cobwebs that might have formed in the high corners.
  • Remove the curtains to wash and wipe the poles and hooks.
  • Work your way down - wipe, dust and clean any wall art or wall-mounted shelves and cupboards.
  • Vacuum sofas and chairs. If you haven’t done it recently, arrange for upholstery cleaning. It’s really important before the flu season settles in.
  • Clean, wipe, dust and polish the remaining furniture, including the areas behind it.
  • Dust and wipe (with the appropriate equipment and products) any electronics.
  • Clean the windows thoroughly, including the windowsills.
  • Vacuum the floor, including under and behind heavy furniture.
  • If you have carpets or rugs, definitely book a professional carpet cleaning service. Don’t risk doing this part yourself.
  • If you have hard floors, mop diligently and use disinfectant on top.
  • Wash and dry any cushions, throughs and small decorative textile.

The Bedrooms

It is absolutely essential for you to get a good night sleep every single night. And this will just not be possible if your bedroom hasn’t been deep cleaned in the past few months. Deep cleaning is not done for hygienic and sanitary reasons alone. It cleanses the environment on many different levels and purifies the air. This, in turn, guarantees higher levels of relaxation and ability to rest efficiently.

  • Open the windows and allow fresh air to come in.
  • Clean and dust the light fixtures and get rid of cobwebs.
  • Pay attention to any wall art and make sure it is clean and polished.
  • Turn the mattress, or better yet, arrange for a professional to come and clean it. You won’t regret that step.
  • Take the curtains down and put them to wash or replace with thicker ones, suitable for colder months.
  • Wipe and clean any furniture, as well as the wardrobes inside and out.
  • Organise your closet by putting the light summer clothing at the back and bringing the woolly sweaters, hats, jeans and boots forward.
  • Wipe clean the doors and door knobs.
  • Clean the skirting boards.
  • Vacuum or mop the floor and disinfect as a finishing touch.

The Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most important places in any home. They say it’s the soul. So, once autumn comes, it’s a natural urge to give it a good deep clean.

  • Empty the cupboards and shelves starting from the top.
  • Wipe and disinfect them inside and out.
  • Check for cracks on the walls or close to the floor, which pests could use as an entrance.
  • Organise the contents of all cupboards. We always recommend using labels. It makes everything easier, tidier and just more pleasant to look at.
  • Empty and rearrange your pantry. Your summer supplies can now be swapped for more wintery ingredients.
  • Clean the oven and the stoves. That might be a really challenging job, so if you are not sure you can deal with it, call a professional.
  • Clean the microwave inside and out. You can use a few drops of essential oil diluted in water or a couple of lemon slices to remove any lingering unpleasant smells.
  • Clean the dishwasher.
  • Clean the fridge and defrost the freezer.
  • Wipe all the switches and tiles on the walls.
  • Clean and disinfect all work tops.
  • Sanitise the sink.
  • Vacuum, mop and disinfect the floor.

The Bathroom

Your bathroom will likely need a deep clean more often than the rest of the rooms in the property to maintain appropriate levels of hygiene. Again, here we start from the top and work our way down.

  • Dust and clean areas close to the ceiling, including the air vent or bathroom windows.
  • Empty the contents of the vanity and other storage facilities. Check for the expiry dates of any cosmetics and replace items where needed.
  • Clean the vanity inside and out.
  • Prep the bathtub / shower cabin and toilet with the appropriate deep clean solutions.
  • Wipe the mirrors.
  • Clean and disinfect the counters and sink.
  • Replace any essential supplies that are running out and bring fresh towels.
  • Go back to the bathtub / shower and toilet, scrub as necessary and disinfect.
  • Mop the floor and sanitise.

Those are the main areas in your home that you need to pay special attention to during a deep clean. Of course, if you book a professional cleaning service, the experts will touch on more and cover further details.

What do you think about our autumn deep cleaning checklist? Is it something you can cope with on your own, or would you rather get some professional help?

Health risks of improper cleaning and ironing

Health Risks of Improper Cleaning and Ironing

Health Risks of Improper Cleaning and Ironing

Everyone knows that irregular domestic cleaning and not ironing your clothes pose a huge risk to the health of your family members and your own. Bacteria and germs multiply constantly and can make us really sick if we do not take care of our living environment and the clothes we put on our bodies. However, in this blog post, we will focus on the health risks associated with improper cleaning and ironing, instead of lack of such.

Mixing the Wrong Cleaning Solutions

Cleaning may seem like a simple job, but in reality it requires specialist knowledge. A large number of serious home accidents have happened as a result of incorrect mixing of cleaning solutions or improper dilution of bleach. For example, adding ammonia to bleach or chlorine based products creates a highly toxic solution that can severely harm your lungs and airways. Long exposure to some cleaning chemicals without protective equipment can also have a damaging effect on your health. This is why professional cleaners are always best to perform cleaning and disinfection tasks.

Vacuuming with Certain Conditions

Did you know that vacuuming is considered strenuous physical activity? It looks almost effortless when someone else does it. But in reality, vacuuming puts a lot of pressure on your lower back. If you are pregnant past the first trimester or have chronic back pains, you should avoid vacuuming. Instead ask your partner to take over the chore or book a domestic cleaning service.

Using the Wrong Detergent and Fabric Softener

The wrong detergent can surely damage your clothes, but more importantly, it can negatively impact your health. Most popular products sold in shops contain numerous chemicals that can cause allergic reactions, rashes and even permanent skin conditions. Fabric softeners have been proven to include cancerogenous ingredients. Professional laundry services have access to effective but non-toxic detergents and products that can keep your clothes looking fabulous and your body healthy.

The Height of the Ironing Board

You enjoy ironing? We do too! However, did you know that doing this chore without an ironing board or not adjusting it to the right height can cause health problems? In some households, people don’t bother investing in a good ironing board because it takes space and adds more hassle to the process. Wrong move. Ironing for a long time without a board or on a board, which has not been adjusted to the right height for you contributes to the development of osteoporosis. It can also make the symptoms of the condition much worse. So, either get a quality ironing board or arrange a professional ironing service for your clothes and bed linen. It will save you time, effort and bring you tons of health benefits.

Washing Your Carpet Using the Wrong Method

Not all carpet cleaning is the same, simply because different fabrics and fibres require different treatment. DIY carpet cleaning using the wet washing method can cause health problems. If you don’t allow the appropriate time for drying, mould will soon start growing and become trapped in the carpet. That can then lead to the development of mould allergy and if not treated turn into asthma. Always consult with a specialist before you clean your carpet or book a professional carpet cleaning service.

Back to School Chores to outsource and give yourself a break

Back to School: Chores to Outsource and Give Yourself a Break

Back to School: Chores to Outsource and Give Yourself a Break

School is back. This means daily washes and ironing of uniforms, perhaps lunch preparations, drop offs and pickups. After school clubs and activities are expected to run as normal from this term, so that adds extra pressure to families with two working parents and little or no childcare help. To top it all up, you may have now returned to work from the office. Less time to do housework and more chores to get done. The smart solution in this case is outsourcing. Here’s what you can do to give yourself a little break and save time and energy.

Domestic Cleaning

Working families with school children often have trouble maintaining a clean and tidy home. That’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s just how fast-paced life is. However, a well maintained and clean home has a direct impact on the health of all residents. Arranging professional domestic cleaning once a week is enough to keep your environment safe, cosy and welcoming. Therefore, that’s one of the first chores you should look to outsource.

Laundry and Ironing

It’s baffling how quick laundry can pile up. Especially in families with two or more children. Just one washing day missed and everyone starts panicking because they can’t find clean clothes. This sort of frustration can be easily avoided by outsourcing the chore to a professional laundry service. Most providers offer flexible options for pickup and delivery. So all you have to do is just pick your dates and organise the dirty pile.

Ironing is also extremely important, especially in the midst of the flu season during a global pandemic. Ironed clothes not only make you look smart, but protect from bacteria, viruses and allergens that were not removed during the washing process. Nevertheless, a large number of families say they don’t iron their clothes simply for lack of time. Our advice - don’t compromise the look, comfort and health of your loved ones. Outsource the ironing to a professional company. Just like the laundry service, ironing can be flexible and organised in a way to fit your schedule.

Dog Walking

If you have pets, daily care for them can become a little overwhelming. Having to work late or being caught up in other activities that can’t be ignored sometimes means the dog won’t go on a walk. That’s not good for the animal and frankly not very fair. Instead of stressing yourself and your furry friend, outsource dog walking to a local service provider. If you are lucky, your neighbour may agree to do it for free.

Garden Maintenance

Autumn is the season of messy gardens. Fallen leaves, an invasion of spiders and other bugs, as well as lots of rain to make it all muddy. Your private outdoor space definitely needs attention, but you may not have the time or energy to do it all. Outsource garden maintenance to a professional and simply enjoy a cup of your favourite hot drink, looking at a tidy and refreshing space.

home disinfection tips

Safe Disinfectants to Use at Home

Every home needs regular cleaning and disinfection to keep everyone who lives there safe and healthy. Autumn and winter present good conditions for the spread of respiratory diseases. Spring brings a lot of seasonal allergies and high temperatures during summer, combined with high humidity benefit the multiplication of bacteria. So, you see, it’s important you have effective disinfectants at home all year round. Some of them work amazingly well, but contain heavy toxins and chemicals, which can be detrimental to human and pets health in the long run. What are the safe options then?


Bleach in the Right Concentration


Bleach is rarely regarded as a safe product. We know this substance is extremely strong and very dangerous if mishandled. However, diluted bleach in the right concentration with water can be applied safely as an effective disinfectant at home. As much as we would like to give you a universal guide on how to dilute your bleach, such a thing just doesn’t exist. Depending on the surfaces that will be treated and some of the household’s health conditions, the proportions of bleach and water will vary. Trust a professional cleaner to come prepared with knowledge and experience and take care of the task.


Essential Oils


There is a range of essential oils you can use for safe disinfection at home. These are natural sanitisers and have many other health benefits. The strongest and best disinfectants are lemon, orange, eucalyptus and tea tree oils. You can apply them directly on the surface you want to disinfect, but make sure you use gloves if you have sensitive skin. A great hack to disinfect your toilet brush is to add a few drops of tea tree and lemon essential oils to the holder. It helps with unpleasant smells and kills harmful bacteria.


Same applies to the bins.




Vinegar is known to be one of the most common natural cleaning and disinfection products. That makes it safe to use. It was the best option back in the day when chemicals were not so popular and widely used. However, it is worth noting that vinegar is not as strong as some of the lab-created alternatives. It also has a specific smell not everyone can stand.


Professional Eco-friendly Cleaning Products


The best and safest choice would be opting for professional eco-friendly cleaning products. They are 100%-effective and contain no toxins. The downfall, however, is they are not widely available on the internet or in shops. Cleaning companies have access to them and if you want to benefit from using those products you will need to book a professional cleaning service. If you think about it, that actually saves you a lot of time and stress, so why not go for it.




Another completely natural method for disinfection at home is steam cleaning. Steam machines use water vapour to kill harmful bacteria and other germs. Another benefit is that they purify the air and relieve some allergy symptoms. Clean air with more oxygen helps you sleep better at night too!

bathroom tips and tricks

Bathroom Cleaning and Organisation Tips

How is your bathroom looking recently? The truth is, many families find it hard to maintain bathrooms in a clean, organised and healthy condition. While cleaning and disinfection are absolutely essential, good organisation is also crucial. Here are some tips on how you can transform and fully enjoy your bathroom this summer.


Decluttering Comes First


Clutter in the bathroom is a potential health risk. The more empty bottles and unnecessary items you keep there, the more chances bacteria and mould have to inhabit the place and spread. Make sure you dispose of any product packaging that is no longer in use. It is important to have as much empty space as possible. It makes cleaning easier and sanitisation more effective.


Utilise Vertical Space


Do not put any personal hygiene products on the floor of the shower cabin or on the side of the bath. Utilise any vertical space you have in the bathroom instead. There are hundreds of options for item organisation in any big supermarket chain or home and furniture shops. Whether it is something you mount on the wall or simply hang on the shower cabin door, it will make a major positive difference.


Keep facial products and scrubs in the vanity cabinet. This will minimise the humidity that gets to these items and preserve their quality for longer.


Take 5 Minutes After Each Shower


Here’s a tip for the lazy cleaners. Bathrooms usually require a lot of scrubbing to look good. But if you take 5 minutes after each shower to quickly spray and wipe the glass and the cabin/bath, you can minimise the heavy scrubbing during a regular bathroom clean. There are limescale and hard water sprays you can use effortlessly. They are usually widely available in most supermarkets.


Weekly Cleans are Essential


The bathroom is one of those places that requires regular care. It needs cleaning at least once a week. If you let it go for longer, the workload doubles and sometimes triples. Not to mention the huge health risk you are taking for you and your family. There are thousands of germs that inhabit your bathroom every single day and consistent disinfection is more than necessary.


Less is Always More


Adopting a minimalist approach when it comes to your bathroom is always best. Don’t stack the shelves. Don’t add more towels than you need. Keep it all tidy. The less stuff you can see when you enter the bathroom, the more relaxing your experience will be while you are there. Diffusers with essential oils, a crystal or a couple of scented candles are a great addition to the decor. Just make sure you are not overdoing it.



How do you organise your bathroom? Do you prefer to have many products within your reach while showering? Or, perhaps, you enjoy that feeling of minimalistic and natural environment without too much clutter?

men ironing more than women

UK Men Iron More Often Than Women

UK Men Iron More Often Than Women

This headline may come as a shocker to some, but it is absolutely true. In 2020, a survey, reported by The Daily Mail established that 52% of British men do most of the ironing at home.


The percentage is almost equally spread across different regions of the country. The only places where women still do the majority of ironing according to the survey are Wales and the North West of England. The highest percentage of men who iron regularly is reported in Yorkshire and Humberside. That's a whopping 60%. The capital records 54% and here in the West Midlands, 52% of men seem to be taking ownership of the ironing.


What could be the reason for this trend?


One of the most likely and admirable reasons why the survey shows such encouraging results is minimising the impact of gender-biased roles. British men have been taking positive steps towards sharing household duties over the past decades. In comparison, just 43% of American men reported in a similar survey that they iron their own shirts. 57% of them not only avoid doing it, but also don’t know how to.


Another reason why UK men iron more often may be related to the professional roles they take. While a full suit and tie are not compulsory for a number of office jobs, a neatly looking shirt is a must for quite a few of them. Also, women’s professional clothing is more flexible in terms of style and fabrics. Many of the office dresses and tops are now made from materials that don’t crease during washing.


Why is Ironing Important?


Ironing your clothes is not just about their appearance. It also contributes to how they feel when you put them on. But the most important reason why you should have your clothes ironed has a lot to do with your physical health. Many bacteria and viruses remain on fabrics after washing, especially if washed on low temperature. Ironing, however, ensures germs are completely eliminated. It is also very beneficial for people with allergies to chemicals or pollen.


What if No One Has the Time to Do the Ironing?


In today’s world, it is a very common scenario for both persons in a couple to work full time and have extremely busy schedules. So, essentially, no one has the time to do the ironing. If that’s your case, we have a solution.


Bredon Hill Cleaning Services offers a comprehensive, flexible and very convenient laundry and ironing service. We can arrange a pick-up from your address and once the work is done, deliver back to your doorstep, just 48 hours later. Alternatively, if it makes it easier for you, you can drop the load at our office and collect it all washed, ironed and neatly folded in 2 days. We cover a variety of areas in the Tewkesbury and Wychavon districts. If you are unsure whether this includes your postcode, contact us and we will let you know how we can help.


pantry organisation summer

What to Add, Keep and Remove from Your Summer Pantry

Hot temperatures and sunny weather call for a rearrangement of your wardrobe. Well, you probably don’t need a reminder for that. What most people forget is that their pantry also needs some editing once the warmer months arrive. Today we are talking about what you need to add, keep and remove from your pantry in the summer.


What to Remove from Your Pantry


Let’s start with the items we can get rid of for the season. Summer is a good time for detoxing and cutting on some comfort foods you probably enjoy in colder times. That said, leave less space for pasta, highly processed snacks and cereals. You can also get rid of some teas that are associated with winter. If you normally keep your eggs in the pantry, now is a good time to take them out and store them in the fridge. This will help you avoid nasty infections and serious stomach problems.


While you are removing stuff from the pantry don’t forget to clean up. There might be some spills or crumbles on the shelves. You won’t find a better time to wipe and disinfect this space. If you use labels on containers, replace those that are worn out with new ones.


What to Keep in your Pantry in Summer


Obviously, all your condiments can stay right where they are. Salads are very popular during summer, as well as seafood dishes. Your pantry is a good place to store some salad dressings, cooking sauces and canned fish. Check the best before date on all items. Those that expire sooner bring forward. If something is already gone, just toss it in the bin. It will create space for the new things you need to add.


What to Add to Your Pantry in Summer


Remember we said it’s a good time to get rid of foods with high carb contents? Well, if you chucked your pasta out, you can add quinoa. It is a fantastic ingredient for a variety of salads and light meals. Brown substitutes are also a good idea - brown sugar, brown rice, brown pasta. Detox tea can make a new appearance in your panty, along with some cold brews. Tinned coconut milk is an invaluable addition to any summer fruit smoothie.


Since it is also the season of garden parties, you may want to get a few more bottles of your favourite spirits or cocktail mixers. They can be safely stored in the pantry.


Last but not least, if you like growing or collecting herbs from fields and green areas, create some space in your pantry to keep and dry your natural health gems. Towards the end of summer you can put them in jars or paper bags and prepare for autumn and winter when hot herbal tea is almost a daily essential.



What do you currently have in your pantry? How do you organise the items? If you need help with bringing some structure to your storage space, give us a call. We are specialists in home organisation.

summer allergies prevention

Why Regular Cleaning in Summer is so Important

Why Regular Cleaning in Summer is so Important

Summer is finally here. What a long awaited time! It’s easy to get carried away with holiday plans, especially after a year of tough restrictions and very limited travel. But guess what, your home needs attention now more than ever. During the summer is when you need to clean your house most frequently for the benefit of you and your family. In this article we will touch on just some of the important reasons why regular domestic cleaning should be one of your top priorities.


Allergies prevention and management


Unfortunately, a very large proportion of the UK population suffers from hay fever. This is an allergy caused by pollen from flowers, trees and grass. Although the allergy isn’t life threatening, it is very unpleasant and can spoil your whole summer. Regular steam cleaning at home will minimise the pollen you bring in from outside. Dust hard surfaces at least every other day and vacuum daily, preferably with a HEPA filter. We recently wrote an article on natural hay fever remedies,  which may be useful to you if you suffer from that allergy.


Bacteria Multiplication


It is during the summer when bacteria thrives. It needs high temperatures and moisture. Summer months in the UK provide both, so you can expect food to spoil faster and bacteria to spread on different surfaces. The two places you should concentrate most of your cleaning efforts on are the bathroom and the kitchen. Don’t forget to use a sanitiser after cleaning for better protection. If you want to use chemical-free disinfectant, it is best to rely on a professional cleaner. We have access to eco-friendly products that are not widely available on the market.


Don’t forget to clean the fridge fortnightly too!


Keeping bad smells away


It’s hot, you sweat, and even though you shower daily and your personal hygiene is on point, your home still needs air freshening. You don’t necessarily need to use the heavily scented products sold in stores. You can achieve the same effect (if not better) with some essential oils or even spraying lemon juice.


Kids are home more often


School summer holiday is fast approaching, which means you get a lot more of these cute little hands ready to turn the house upside down. In other words, your cleaning workload will increase and you will have to spend more time putting everything back in place, cleaning stains off the carpet and scrubbing junior art off the walls.


Give yourself space to think


Make sure you declutter your environment as much as possible. This will help you sleep better, think more creatively and will reduce the stuffy feeling in the room. Last thing you need during summer is a place full of unnecessary items that make breathing even harder and adds at least one more degree to the already high temperature.


Feel like this is too much pressure for your busy schedule? Don’t worry you don’t have to do it all by yourself. Bredon Hill Cleaning Services will gladly step in to help.



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home reorganisation summer

Summer Home Organisation Ideas

Summer Home Organisation Ideas

Those of you who follow our blog know that we are not focused only on cleaning topics. In fact, even in our day-to-day work, home organisation and making a living place more cosy and inviting is a big thing. Since the sun is finally out and we can all feel the summer vibes, we thought a piece with some new home organisation ideas would be really cool.


Why change the look of your home every other month? Simply to feel more energised, excited and in the present moment.


Closet Reshuffle


First point of action, of course, is the closet. As the weather changes, it calls for a change in the wardrobe. Winter clothes and accessories should be neatly placed at the back and the lighter, brighter garments will now become the centerpiece of your closet arrangement. It is also a perfect opportunity to get rid of some items that no longer fit or have simply lost their magic for you. Let’s face it, you spent an entire year mostly at home. It’s perfectly normal if you put on some extra pounds since last summer.


Even More Free Space


Don’t hold onto things. We understand the emotional value of some items, but that’s no reason to clutter your living space. Especially during summer. Your home needs to breathe, so it can make breathing easier for you. Your ultimate goal for the warmer months should be to organise your home in a way that creates maximum free space. Objects that are not used frequently go in the garage, garden shed, storage space or are given away. Opt for minimal decorations, except for living plants. These are a great home interior enhancement idea for summer.


Pantry and the Fridge


Your pantry needs reworking. Hot days and strong sun call for lighter foods. Make sure you take the time to check for any expired items, clear potential spills and organise again in jars or containers, carefully labelled for convenience. The fridge will need more frequent checks than during other periods and you may want to introduce an organising system that helps you cycle foods easily, based on their shelf life.


Bright Colours Galore


If you want to be in a constant good mood at home, bring more bright colours in. Neon and electric shades scream summer. If you want something a notch more subtle, opt for the traditional sunny yellow, orange, sky blue and turquoise. These are all mental and mood stimulators, which means you will feel more energised and creative. No wall redecoration needed (unless you are down for it). Simply change the cushion covers, put up new paintings or removable wall decorations. If you are feeling more adventurous, you can exchange the arm chairs for comfy bright beanbags.


Garden Shine


You certainly can’t ditch the garden work anymore! The weather is inviting you outside and you need to take care of the lawn, the outdoor furniture and probably organise the shed. If you have a patio, invest in professional high pressure cleaning. It will brighten up the look of your garden and make it safer for outdoor play.


house cleaning during vacation

Should I Have My Home Cleaned while on Holiday

Have you planned your summer holiday yet? Whether you are travelling abroad or just to another part of the UK, chances are you don’t want to spend the whole summer at home. Very often, when going away for a while, regular domestic cleaning clients wonder if they should keep their appointments. That’s a personal choice above everything else, but there are some benefits you may want to consider before you cancel your cleaning visit.


Maintenance is Key


People believe they only need to clean a home when there are people living in it because of the mess they create. Sure, it’s much messier when adults and children carry out their daily activities at home. Dirt, however, accumulates all the time, with or without your presence in the property. Dust particles, allergens and a variety of microorganisms continue to inhabit and spread in your home even if you are not there. Regular cleaning during your holiday is still very important for the maintenance of a healthy home.


Cost-Efficient in the Long Run


Many clients who choose to cancel their regular appointments while away, then find themselves in need of a deep clean. The longer your property goes without cleaning, the more there is to do once the cleaner is back. Deep cleaning takes a longer time and is also more expensive than regular visits. So, if you just keep your regular cleans while on holiday you can save money.


Come Back to a Welcoming Environment


Hopefully you had an amazing time during your trip. You are now relaxed and positively charged. Imagine how your mood would spoil if you came back to a home that doesn’t look its best. You will feel the difference in the quality of air. Some surfaces would have accumulated dust and generally the energy you feel wouldn’t be as welcoming as you would wish.


Alternatively, if your cleaner kept coming to the property while you were away, they would make sure the environment looks and feels cosy. At Bredon Hill Cleaning Services we pay great attention to the smallest details. What our clients love the most about our service is that we always add a little extra to make them feel special.




Some people are uncomfortable letting cleaners in while they are far away from home. However, if you have a regular cleaner they almost become a part of the family. Therefore, it is someone you can trust to keep an eye on your home while you are gone. Domestic accidents happen when the residents are not in and if you can rely on someone to check the property even just once a week, that’s still a major security plus.


What is your opinion on having cleaners in while you are on holiday? Let us know what feels right for you. Also, if you are one of our regular clients and decide not to keep your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can update our schedule and give your slot to someone else.

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TAGS: Ironing, Housekeeping for service apartments, Holiday homes , Domestic Cleaning, End of Tenancy Cleaning, Office Cleaning,Pub and, Restaurant Cleaning, After Builders Cleaning, Spring/Deep Cleaning, End Of Tenancy Cleaning Bredon Hill, End of Tenancy Cleaning Headington, End of Tenancy Cleaning Bredon Hillshire, Steam cleaning Bredon Hill, Steam Cleaning Headington, Steam Cleaning Bredon Hillshire, After Builders Cleaning Bredon Hill, Patio and Driveway Cleaning Bredon Hill, Commercial cleaning Bredon Hill, Holiday let cleaning Bredon Hill, Professional Cleaning Bredon Hill, Cleaning Services Bredon Hill, Housekeeping for serviced apartments, Office Cleaning, Pub Cleaning, Bredon Hill, Stadhampton, Bredon Hill cleaning apartments, Bredon Hill Pub Cleaning, professional cleaning Bredon Hill,Conderton Cleaning,Kemerton Cleaning,Westmancote Cleaning,Grafton Cleaning,Bredon's Norton Cleaning,Dumbleton Cleaning,Eckington Cleaning,Bricklehampton,Evesham Cleaning,Alderton Cleaning,Worcester Cleaning,Bredon Hill Cleaning,Little Comberton Cleaning,Bricklehampton Cleaning,Kersoe Cleaning,Ashton under Hill Cleaning,Hinton on the Green Cleaning,Dumbleton Cleaning,Aston Somerville Cleaning,Childswickham Cleaning,Bushley Green Cleaning,Bushley Cleaning,Shuthonger Cleaning,Eckington Cleaning,Bredon's Norton Cleaning,Kemerton Cleaning,OverburyConderton Cleaning,Beckford Cleaning,Alstone Cleaning,Alderton Cleaning,Bredon's Cleaning,HardwickBredon Cleaning,KinshamWalton CardiffAshchurch Cleaning,Aston Cross Cleaning,Pamington Cleaning,Teddington Cleaning
